I want you to want me
You don’t want to just be known.
You don’t want to just be needed.
You want people to want you.
You want people to love you.
You want fans to stand in line to buy your product,camp out even.
You want people to want to be involved with you.
You want to be a status symbol, a form of inspiration and influence.
Yo don’t get there by listing your features and benefits or your best price guarantee.
You only get there if you can inspire us. Move us, and engage with us with what’s most important to us, values.
Tell us what you stand for.
Tell us what you believe in.
Brands and marketing are not about prices and features or what you have that competitors don’t.
Brands are about values.
Only when you talk about values and what you stand for can you truly differentiate yourself.
Only when you are willing to show us who you are would we be willing to consider following you.
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