February 26, 2020
71 | How to create brand alignment internally so you can deliver the right experiences externally – with Chris Wallace
Why you’ve got to listen to this episode:
Brands are built one interaction at a time, internally and externally. If your staff doesn’t know how to behave or what to say to create the right brand experiences to match your brand promise, you’ll not be able to achieve the brand image and reputation you’re striving for.
Many brands leave to chance how front facing staff will interpret the brand and create the right interactions with external audiences. This is at best a missed opportunity to strengthen your brand and at worst a risk in ending up with wrong or detrimental brand experiences.
In this episode, I talk to Chris Wallace, Co-Founder and President of Innerview Group, a consulting firm that helps companies effectively transfer their brand strategy to their customer-facing staff. Chris shares the 3 steps to successfully engage and transfer the brand sentiment to staff and the 3 most effective tactics to do so.
Who can benefit from listening in:
Not all brands have sales teams but most if not all, have customer facing staff such as customer service representatives, or anyone who represents the brand such as spokespeople. In any case, knowing how to engage staff, get them to feel connected to the brand and know how to translate the brand into specific actions, is critical.
Your brand is only as strong as the weakest interactions you have with each other and your external audiences. Making these interactions as consistent with your brand as possible should be a priority for all brands.
Key takeaways from this episode:
- Treat your staff as you do clients. You must inspire internally first before you can attract and inspire externally.
- “A company has to want to learn what their people think, and that takes courage.” – Chris Wallace
- It’s the company’s job to build staff confidence on the brand and the only way to do that is to listen to staff.
- Handing out scripts to have staff recite results in inauthentic interactions between customers and the brand. Instead, help staff understand the brand and give them flexibility to bring it to life in a way that is in keeping with the brand guidelines and is authentic to each of them.
Links to resources mentioned in this episode
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