

marca strategy news & views
February 22, 2011
women in social media

women, is driving the social media revolution. worldwide statistics show that women from all age groups, surpass in large numbers the use of social media compared to their male counterparts.

in Canada Facebook is the most popular network site where 92% of all Canadian women with a social network profile uses Facebook. in Calgary alone there are 650,000 Facebook accounts.

social media is becoming the strongest media forum, dominating old or traditional media and women are its highest users.

what does this mean?  if you are to be successful in marketing your product or service, you need to understand the female market and not simply by demographics but by their tastes, interests, desires and concerns. after all this is how people gather around social media forums.  

it also means you need to participate in social media, if you’re not already. but you need to do it properly, engaging with your audience and providing value.

media and how you sell to your target audience is changing, you need to understand this change and the target audience behind it – females.


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